Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Unseen Sea

The Unseen Sea from Simon Christen.

This is a collection of time lapses Simon took around the San Francisco Bay Area roughly shot over a period of one year.


  1. Sri, that's too good! The unseen ubiquitous fast flowing sky! :) Love how the land looks like lava with the lights. I don't know if you know what I mean. lol. Gotta ask u the technical technicoloured phrases hehe

  2. Dude...this video is awesome!I really enjoyed watching it.Hats off to Simon Christen for shooting this.

  3. Woowwwwwwww.
    I got a chance to see Golden Gate Bridge. It was a breath taking and has a haunting experience when you see the structure!!!

    SFO is a very nice place :) (Sriram,i am telling u :P....Australia vettu vera orru ponnumna..SFO neybhagam vachiko :) )

  4. thank you. one more reason to visit SF.

  5. Awe.Just that.
    and hi:);)

  6. probably the most enchanting thing i've ever seen. love love love
